Associate Member Annual Subscription
Associate Membership of AANZGOSA is open to Trainees or retired Upper Gastrointestinal surgeons, and other health professionals working in the area of Upper Gastrointestinal, Gastric and/or Oesophageal practice.
Membership renewals are due July 1 each year.
Benefits of Membership
- Discount of Annual Scientific Meeting registration fees
- Subscription to a bi-monthly electronic newsletter
- Development of multi-site clinical projects
- AANZGOSA website – Find a surgeon
- Participation in AANZGOSA Audit
- Eligibility to attend the AGM, stand for election, and participate in Association activities
- Opportunity to network with peers
- Travelling scholarships
- AANZGOSA Post Fellowship training programme
Associate members do not have voting rights and are unable to stand for office.
A discounted subscription is available to members who are also financial members of ANZHPBA; $500 for full membership of both Associations, $250 for Associate membership of both Associations.