AANZGOSA & AANZHPBA – Associate Combined Member
An Associate Combined Member discounted subscription is available to members who are also financial members of AANZHPBA and includes Trainees or retired Upper Gastrointestinal surgeons, and other health professionals working in the area of Upper Gastrointestinal, Gastric and/or Oesophageal practice.
Membership renewals are due July 1 each year.
Benefits of Membership
- Discount of Annual Scientific Meeting registration fees
- Subscription to a bi-monthly electronic newsletter
- Development of multi-site clinical projects
- AANZGOSA website – Find a surgeon
- Participation in AANZGOSA Audit
- Eligibility to attend the AGM, stand for election, and participate in Association activities
- Opportunity to network with peers
- Travelling scholarships
- AANZGOSA Post Fellowship training programme
Associate members do not have voting rights and are unable to stand for office.